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Final Fantasy Tactics

by Orange Fluffy Sheep

Part 22: Zigolis Swamp

Finally, A knife with more than 4 power!

It has 5.

Coral Swords are lightning element. The place I'll grind at involves Pisco Demons, who are weak to lightning.

It's the first elemental sword, so I might as well mention it now. Holy Sword, even though it says it's Holy elemental (Lightning for Lightning Stab) it's actually whatever element the weapon is. With a Mythril Sword, Agrias's Stasis Swords were completely without an elements. With a Coral Sword, Delita's Split Punches were lightning element. With an Ice Brand, both would be ice-elemented.

Unlike the Ice Bow, this bow casts Bolt2 on some hits.

If only I used archers ever again, huh?

18% evade, and +1 MA. The girls wear these all day every day.

This mantle and the Wizard Robe are both hooded, so at this point Norma is doublehooding it.

Oh boy, story time! It's under rumors in the bar, oddly enough.

Heh, Faram? How lame. My god is a magic god. He has Bolt4 and Bahamut.

Mythical relics said to be from an ancient era.

Of course, they exist.

Considering the faux-medieval setting, I'm surprised the slave-trade is so bad.

Then again, we never see a single slave.

Oh hey, Carrot already?

Better stick, by 1 WP. At this point Oracles are hitting about 11 MA, so it's a bigger upgrade than the Coral Sword is for the physical guys.

+1 Speed. Magnificent.

Average speed classes are starting to hit 7 speed, so if these aren't getting me ahead, they're letting me keep up.


Aw fuck yeah, katanas! Once Norma gets back from fighting Carrot, this game is over!

Nullify Lightning and Don't Move. I pretend like I'm using these strategically.

Defense Rings nullify Sleep and Death Sentence, and the boss at the end of chapter 2 loves both of these.

Carrot was a bit too tough, I guess.

Despite the minimal rewards for not completing it properly, Norma only needed 20 JP to get to level 2 in Lancer anyway.

She got 3 levels in Knight, 4 in Monk, and 2 in Lancer. You know what that means.

Norma has Samurai, finally. More importantly,

She has Draw Out. Draw Out is MA based despite being on a physical job. With a wizard's MA, Draw Out is so absurdly powerful it OHKOes most enemies if you keep your katanas up to date. It hits a 2-panel radius around the user, and discriminates between allies and enemies, meaning you'll only hurt enemies and only heal allies. Draw Out has healing, 100% accurate Protect/Shell, and 100% Haste.

Of course, you need the katana first. In order to use Asura, you need an Asura in your inventory. It's about the only thing stopping Draw Out from utterly ending the game right there.

Probably. Get out anyway.

Eldena becomes a Time Mage who will tame creatures with her fists.

Once I remember to equip Train.

This battle has caused more resets than any other I've faced so far.

With Agrias gone, I can deploy a 5th character. Reef comes along to gain some JP for Attack UP.

Attack UP affects steal for some reason. Martial Arts affects steal for some reason. The best stealer is a Monk with Attack UP.

Dammit, too many dead things.

There we go, there's a piggy. Getting this thing required about 6 resets. The second place for most resets is 1 reset at a chapter 3 battle.

: Lousy Footing. On top of that, it's raining. Be careful!

There was so much bloodshed in Zigolis during the Fifty Years War that the swamp has become poisonous. If a character ends his/her turn in the swamp, he/she gets poisoned. Walking through it is fine if you end up above water at the end.

This Uribo is the only Uribo outside of Chapter 4. Uribos and the higher tiers of pig can be poached for some wicked awesome stuff.

Oh Mustadio, you are so dumb.

Hahaha, time to demonstrate what true power is!


In one hit, the skeleton dies horribly.

Her katana breaks after this. Any time you use a Draw Out skill, there's a 15% chance the katana will break.

I wasn't expecting my lone Asura to break. I haven't had a katana break since then. This is dreadfully embarrassing.

Her magic is still fine, though. Skeletons are weak to fire.

Mustadio ain't afraid of no ghosts.

But I'm afraid he'll interrupt pig punching. He has to die.

That 50 multiplier makes Holy one of the most damaging spells in the game, beaten only by Meteor and some summons. The 17 speed makes it far more practical than those two, which are slower than characters by the end of chapter 3.

Holy is damn pretty. The screen rotates slowly as sparkles fill the air, a heavenly light descending on the target, before the screen turns white-

And then a dozen or so blasts of holy energy burst from the ground, separating the target from living.

As such.

Norma just got Draw Out, and now you hit all the levels for Calculator.

You know what, fine. I can't show off Math Skill until I get enough parameters anyway.

Reef throws a rock at a skeleton. This kills it. Go Reef.

Fist shoots the pig to lower its HP. Train doesn't require that the hit lower it to critical HP, just that the hit deals HP damage and the target ends in critical HP. This is why Eldena is unarmed- staves would deal too much to get it to critical health.

The pig is being a pest about getting punched, so Fist shoots its speed. He's pretty good with a gun.

Undead monsters like skeletons and ghosts revive themselves after the 3-count if they don't crystalize. It's annoying if you don't finish the battle quickly.

Mustadio has a skill called Seal Evil that petrifies undead enemies, but he won't get enough JP what with being a guest.

I guess I could use it with the Oracle's Zombie spell, but fuck that, Oracles can cast Petrify anyway.


She punched the pig into subservience. It was the last monster as skeletons and ghosts are no issue.

"You've been face down in that poison swamp for half an hour now."

: Past this swamp is the ocean. We're almost to Goug now.

The money is kinda bleh.

Having my own piggy to poach isn't.